Monday, May 13, 2013

Energy from God

I returned home from 2 weeks in Zimbabwe on Wednesday night at midnight. I did get some sleep on the plane and drive home, but I was still tired. My sleep that night, though, was not the greatest. But I got up the next morning and worked my normal 3:30p-4am. It was a normal night, nothing bad happened, I had my midnight fatigue. Then I went home and slept. I returned back to work another 12 hours on Friday night. Half was through my shift, I started getting tired. At midnight, I could barely stay awake. I almost fell asleep in my patient's room. I tried to take a 15 minute nap. The problem was that I was so organized that night that I had too much down time. Even with entertaining staff that night, it was rough. I don't like working Friday and Saturday nights together because I want to go to church in the morning and enjoy it and not regret it at work. When I work these days, I usually skip Sabbath School and go to church next door for the sermon. I fell asleep at 4:45am, planning on getting up at 10:15 to drive a little further for church that morning. But at 8:45am, some guy decided to clean a vent right outside my window, and he wasn't quiet about it. 15 minutes after he said it was almost done, I gave up and just took a shower and went to church. I guess I was supposed to attend Sabbath School that morning, tho I know how much I paid attention. There was potluck after church, then I went home for a 30 min rest(I didn't fall asleep). Then, 3:30p-4am, I was back at work.

I didn't think much about being awake at the beginning of my shift, usually a couple hours in I get tired. But I never did that night! I stayed consistently busy through the night. Hung out with coworkers while patients slept:) And as it passed midnight, I still wasn't tired. In fact, at 4am, after work, I went grocery shopping. I felt like I could get online for a while or unpack more from my trip, but since it was 5:30 in the morning, I went to bed. I slept all day Sunday and worked again that night. It was like the first night, just normal, nothing bad happened, team work with nurses, kept busy, and stayed awake! Now it's Monday, after a 4 night in a row stretch at work immediately after returning to this side of the world, and I'm back on Michigan time, ready to prepare for a birthday party tonight!

God is good! There is no other place my energy Saturday night could have come from, cuz it definitely wasn't from those 4 hours of sleep, if I was THAT exhausted the night before. And he even gave me extra energy to buy groceries! Thank you God for providing what we don't have the energy to continually pray for! And for using my experience to encourage my coworker. You do work miracles!


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