Monday, July 30, 2012

Providence, Part 3

Ok, this is NOT how I thought God was going to work it out. I was expecting the Ped CT ICU and the Adult Cardiac job offers, and was going to have trouble deciding between the two of them because I want Peds but I don't want ICU. I waited 4 days last week and finally got a call from a recruiter who offered me the Adult Cardiac position, but also a position on a Renal unit. I interviewed for that position 3 weeks ago, and it had closed, so I thought I was rejected. I was not prepared to choose between these two. Whatever job I take has to approve a 2 week leave for a mission trip during orientation. I was hoping this would eliminate an option, but it didn't. Then I emailed the ICU manager and asked if she was still considering me for her position. She said yes. So that means that I have three job offers and I have to decide one I want. I have to figure out by today which one God wants me to have. I don't even know which one I want. Everyone suggests different ones for different reasons. I want God's opinion. I thought God was going to give me the ICU position because it scared me so much. Sending me somewhere I don't want to go just seems to be a popular thing for Him to do to me. But now what....?


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