Friday, April 06, 2012

Witnessing is...

The Sabbath School quarterly for Monday was entitled "Witnessing is..." It asks the questions,  "What is there in your life that would make someone want to learn more about Jesus? How has Christ changed your life?"

I know everyone has a testimony, and I've shared mine before, but when it's asked like that... What is there in my life that would make someone want to learn more about Jesus? All of the things I can think of are the things that make me stand out. I guess shyness could be called meekness. I don't swear or use foul language or jokes. I don't party, drink, smoke, or gamble. All of those make me stand out at my workplace. Someone said once, "You're the most innocent person I know." We'd only known each other for 2 months but only saw each other for a few minutes a few times a week at work. What in me did she see? What in me makes people feel comfortable to ask questions about the Sabbath and State of the Dead (I work with hospice patients). Even tithe!

Then there's the question: How has Christ changed my life? The fact that I'm even willing to give a decent answer when someone asks me about my religion is a change. I don't just blow off the question like it's not important. I now have the information more solid in my mind and scripture and experience to back it up. God created the Sabbath so we can rest from the pressure of the world and enjoy His presence. Five and a half years of college and I did no homework on the Sabbath. And I still graduated!

But that first question still gets me. What is there in my life that would make someone want to learn more about Jesus?


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