Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Monday, July 12, 2010

            When we got to the church in Lusaka at 4, we stayed on the bus and slept till devotions at 5. Then it was time to unload the bus. After unloading is when people started leaving. It was easier when they left one at a time. Michelle and I stayed back and recorded some of the missionaries singing some of the songs we’d learned. The IMPACT song, “Show Me The Way,” and “Tumweke.”
That wasn't something I was about to try to balance with no hands!

Miriam, Musaka, myself

Around 10am Cindy, took us into town to buy some souvenirs. We had to exchange money first. The exchange rate was $1US=5,000 kwacha. The first thing we went to buy were chitenges. We went to downtown Lusaka. At one of the chitenge stores, Indians were running it. Someone must have tried to order in a Zambian language because he responded with “Speak English.” I smiled because that’s what I had been saying for 2 weeks. The next place we went was more than a little scary. We were never afraid for our lives, but this was like a trading post. Everyone had their little souvenirs that they wanted to sell. They knew we were American, therefore had money, and they wanted our business. We had limited money, limited time, and didn’t know what to buy or how to bargain (well, I didn’t). 

The Shopping Mall

Downtown Lusaka

Michelle, Nasilele, myself
(I miss you Nasi!!!)

            At 1pm, Uncle Lazarus took us to the airport. That’s where we found some postcards and were able to experience a safari (by the pictures on the postacards). After taking group pictures, and Lovemore licking his finger and wiping his eyes, pretending he was crying, Michelle and I headed for our flight. Of course, we bought some more souvenirs in the airport before we actually boarded! We didn’t talk much on the plane. 1-I got sick. 2-I was tired. I’ll spare you the details and just say that I slept most of the LONG flight home.

 Our farewell party: Uncle Lazarus, Michael, Michelle, Marleen, Cindy, myself, Lovemore


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