Friday, July 9, 2010
Jones led group devotions about Isaiah 55 where we are told to buy milk and honey without money. He said it meant something like, Jesus already paid the price we just have to accept His gift. We must buy things (spend time) from heaven, not from the earth. We must be totally surrendered to God.
After devotions, Cindy, Michelle, and I went back to the clinic. The girl had been able to drink something and even urinated during the night! But her respirations were a bit faster, heart rate still within normal limits but faster than the night before, and her temperature was lower. We told them to keep her covered, head up, and fluids as tolerated. Then we prayed and left. The nurse had come in when we first got there and then went to call the ambulance. I thought it was called the night before. The ambulance didn’t come till 1pm.
After visiting the clinic, we had breakfast, personal prep, then cooked for the rest of the day. We peeled and fried sweet potatoes and potatoes, added sugar to the leftover nshima and fried it, made IMANA patties…we were cooking for both Friday and Saturday. During song service before the crusade, Michelle, Musaka, Jones, Mwewa, and I sang ‘Leaning on Jesus.’ It worked out! The message was on the Spirit of Prophecy. After the crusade, Michelle led in evening devotions and we prepared for the morning church service.
Our outdoor stove. They are cooking sweet potatoes.
The path from our house to the lake
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