Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I’d kind of gotten drafted to give devotions this morning. I shared from Matthew chapter 10 saying that God will give us the words to say when we are giving Bible studies. We had the normal morning routine of personal devotions, exercise, preparation, breakfast, and Bible study training. Instead of going door-to-door, Michelle, Daniel Park, and I joined Dr. Tim at the clinic.
Antwan was a local nurse there. There was one doctor to cover every clinic and hospital on the island and he was out sick. Antwan took it upon himself to run this clinic! Michelle and I triaged the patients before they were seen. As soon as one mother brought a child to me, all the mothers brought their children. I was actually more comfortable with the children. So after I triaged the children, they were seen by another local nurse and after Michelle triaged the adults, they were either seen by Antwan or Dr. Tim. Daniel was assisting Dr. Tim. We saw about 50 patients between Michelle and I. At some point during all that, Dr. Tim told us that a baby had been brought to him with a hemoglobin of 4. I was afraid the girl was going to die, but thankfully they had the necessary supplies to treat her and save her life! After seeing all the patients, a mother returned to me with her young boy. This time she uncovered him so that I could see his feet. Even without interpretation, I could tell that she wanted me to do something to fix his club feet. It broke my heart to tell her that there was nothing that I could do. As Dr. Tim deemed it necessary to bring the baby to the main hospital on the island to receive further care, he left Michelle, Daniel, and I at the clinic. We assisted with what we could for a little while before returning back to our house.

Chilubi Rural Health Centre

Delivery table

Sick baby girl

During the children’s program, Michelle shared a couple more Bible stories. As part of song service, Michelle, Chama, and I were asked to sing a song. We decided to sing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” to the tune of “Come Thou Fount.” It worked out quite well! Michelle and I sat with the children again that evening. All of a sudden, during the health talk, all the children got up and moved in the direction of Michelle. A few seconds later, they all came back and sat down. Christabel told me that it was because Michelle had caught a frog. I just laughed and shook my head. Everyone went back to paying attention to the presentation and the Bible study on the signs of the second coming.
At the beginning of the crusade, a young girl came up to us girl missionaries and thanked Chama and Tecla for praying for her earlier that day(although they didn’t remember her) and that she was feeling better. When the crusade was over, this girl joined the group up front requesting prayer. A few minutes later, she dropped and started shaking, and the guy missionaries started casting a demon out of her. I had never experienced anything like this before, but I knew I had to pray. That’s a night I’ll probably never forget.


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