Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Ten Years Later...

Ten years ago, on September 2, I was moving down to Eastern Michigan University to start my college career. The five of us, driving down in my parents’ big van, 342 miles, gas at $3.36 a gallon. People everywhere. Boxes, bags, crates stacked all over the grass. There was an elevator, but it was quicker to take the stairs. Thankfully I was on the first floor. The group of girls on my floor were all in the same group during orientation activities. That helped jump start that year of all of us getting along. That was a fun year! Bubble wrap. Cart wheels down the hall. Too little sleep or too much sugar! Leaving our doors open and talking to each other down the hall. Good times!

But hard times too. Classes sporadic throughout the day and the week. One to two hours long! Why did I accept computers at 8am? Learning how to make my own eating, sleeping, study schedule. Having to make new friends. Living by myself (roommate was MIA all year). Acting like an adult. Honestly, one of the hardest things was finding my spiritual identity. Being questioned about what I believe and why I believe it and not knowing how to defend myself. Not knowing how to defend God. Through lots of prayer, tears, and late night talks, I made it!

Since that day, I’ve finished 5.5 years of college and 4 years of nursing (1/2 year in between). Too much happened in those ten years to sum up in one blog post, but to think that this girl who hated talking to people on the phone or the student in class next to her is now about to start her next big adventure. Although I still had the assistance of my whole family in moving, all of my belongings don’t fit in the van anymore. I am not moving 342 miles away or paying per gallon. There are not hundreds of others moving in with me; all of us new together. I won’t be living by myself. But I will still have classes/events sporadic throughout the day and the week. I’ll need to learn to schedule my eating, sleeping, and preparations around the others I’m living with. I’ll have to make new friends. I’ll have to act like an adult. And most importantly, I’ll have to know what I believe and why I believe it and be able to defend myself and God.

September 2, 2005, I moved into my new home in 123 Wise Hall at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Michigan. September 2, 2015, I’ll be moving into my new home in Cork, Ireland. When I started college, I thought it’d be 4 years and it turned out to be 5.5. My life forever changed! Right now, I’m committed to 1 year. Time will tell how long this move will be and how it will change me.

Time to catch a train. Happy Birthday to me!